Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Road to Excitement

Whew, I am finally winding down from a baking filled weekend of Mother's Day orders. In addition, to the orders for Mother's Day I was also a vendor at a Mother's Day bazaar this past weekend and it was phenomenal. Vendors and attendees bought cupcake after cupcake after cupcake. I am still full of excitement from this past weekend.

After, over two months in the business I can honestly say that creating Sweet's Treats from bottom up was the best decision that I have made in a very long time. Starting a business from ground up requires a lot of sleepless nights, blood, sweat and tears. From the overwhelming response that I have received so far I cannot stop even if I wanted to. So, I am saddled up and ready for this long ride.

I would be remised if I didn't acknowledge the out pour of support that I have been receiving from family, friends and mere strangers. So many people have donated and or purchased tools and items that I can use for the business. It speaks volumes when people have faith and believe in you and your product. To date I am very, very pleased with the outcome thus far. I see a bright future ahead for Sweet's Treats and it can only get better with time.

Upcoming Events TBA:

Vendor Shows
Cupcake Sampling

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